Monday, September 29, 2008

Eat 'Yer Food!

Dear Nate,

Please eat your food when I give it to you so you don't starve if I have to take it out so that it doesn't dirty your tank. I'd just rather clean your tank no more than once a week. I've bought for you the dried worms rather than those awful flakes and I hope you like them. Please understand that you eating when I give you food is crucial to your survival. I don't want you to die.

If you could do these things that would be super!


PS I like the way you hide and swim through your fake grass. I find it secretive and mysterious! I like it, keep it up bud!

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Dear Nate,

Welcome to my home. To my bedroom. To your new tank. Welcome to me.

Let's just leave our relationship at a friendship. Maybe good friends as time progresses. I hope to get to know you. I am not your mommy and therefore, you are not my baby. Because of that we can stay clear of the whole sister calling herself an "auntie" deal. Thank goodness. Besides, you're a fighter, and what kind of fighter is a baby? C'mon!

I'll commit to feeding you if you commit to eating. I hope you like your food. I personally have tried fish food as part of a challenge and I have found it to be absolutely disgusting! Bon appétit!

Furthermore, your center piece ornament was expensive, so please use it!

All the best, your friend, Pineapple!

P.S. Today, September the 27th, 2008, is the day that I have bought you, and since I do not know your birthday, today will be the day I annually celebrate you!